The function calls a model table with the parameterizations for
different species from different studies built in. Refer to the
table (model_table
) before using function to find inputs for
the different function arguments. It pulls the model format as a
string and parses it to be usable in hatchR model.
Character string of author name.
- species
Character string of species name.
- model_id
Either model number from Beacham and Murray (1990) or specific to other paper (e.g., Sparks et al. 2017 = AK).
- development_type
The phenology type. A vector with possible values "hatch" or "emerge". The default is "hatch".
A data.frame giving model specifications to be passed to
# access the parameterization for sockeye hatching using
# model #2 from Beacham and Murray (1990)
sockeye_hatch_mod <- model_select(
author = "Beacham and Murray 1990",
species = "sockeye",
model_id = 2,
development_type = "hatch"
# print
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#> author species model_id development_type expression
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Beacham and Murray 1990 sockeye 2 hatch 1 /exp(6.727 - log(…